SECURICO Rapid Response Vehicle

Burglary is a real threat to life and property. The likelihood of a burglary occurring in a home without a burglar alarm is 4 times higher than in a home with an alarm system. Naturally, burglars avoid homes with alarms. An alarm system heightens the chances of the burglar failing his mission and getting caught. No one wants to fail, and certainly, no one wants to get caught on the wrong side of the law. Investing in a burglar alarm has become necessary now more than ever. With the ever-increasing number of burglaries around our communities, having a burglar alarm system is no longer optional. You simply can’t choose not to have this life-saving security system. We have an array of security solutions at our disposal to protect our homes and business premises, ranging from physical barriers to electronic security solutions. Manned guarding service, burglar bars, razor wire, and electric fences have held their fort in mitigating the risk of burglary. The burglar alarm system is gaining traction as the preferred choice for several reasons, including the low-cost factor and its effectiveness in keeping burglars at bay. For starters, the alarm system is a dependable partner for the security of your home. The system cannot connive with criminals to steal from your property. Where watchmen can fall asleep on duty, the monitoring system of the alarm maintains vigilance throughout the night. The once-off payment on the alarm installation makes it a cost-effective security solution. More and more players are coming into the security industry, invariably bringing down the cost of acquiring an alarm system. For as little as USD599.00, you can become a proud owner of an alarm system if you have a small-sized home. The maintenance cost of the alarm is virtually insignificant. You can sleep peacefully, knowing that the alarm will detect movements in and around your home and give awarning to intruders. For more exciting information on burglar alarm systems, and free professional security assessment and quotation, contact us at or call us at the following contact numbers: 0242-621596-7, WhatsApp +263 78 649 1684.

The Standard | January 19 to 25 2025