Rapid Response Services In Zimbabwe

Consider this scenario: A man scales a perimeter fence into a residential premises at night and stealthily proceeds to the main house. The homeowner and his family are snoring away peacefully. There is no guard to look after the property. As the intruder edges closer to the kitchen door, a small LED light suddenly lights up on the motion sensor mounted closer to the kitchen entrance. Immediately a loud siren starts sounding inside the house, waking up everyone.The intruder is bewildered, scales the perimeter wall again, and disappears in the night. Within a few minutes, the wheels of a rapid-response vehicle screeches to a halt at the entrance gate of this home. The well-trained boys jump into the premises and start patrolling the entire premises, looking for any security breach. The physical inspection of the premises includes the parked vehicles, perimeter fence, entrance gate, gate motors,

external doors, and windows. The homeowner can come out now, knowing that it is safe to do so.

The above scenarios aptly capture a typical day in the life of a man subscribing to the Monitoring and Rapid Response service.The presence of an intruder on your property introduces several risks such as rape, burglary, and robbery. In worst cases, intrusion can result in loss of lives. To cushion yourself from the above risk, consider investing in a monitoring and rapid response and service. For as little as USD81.00 per Quarter (3 Months), you too can enjoy the convenient service of monitoring and rapid response.Monitoring and Rapid Response is a security backup service that security companies o er to their customers. The customers’ alarm system is linked to the service provider through a radio transmitter. Rapid response service providers mostly respond

to distress call signals from a burglar alarm or a panic alarm. The customer can also make phone calls, seeking assistance.Having a burglary alarm to protect your home is a commendable security measure. However, the need for a quick security backup during intrusion is essentially important. Some intruders are very daring and may not leave your premises, even when the alarm siren has sounded. During your absence, security backup ensures that your property is secure. Imagine an intrusion occurring in your absence, and the children are on their own.

For more exciting information on burglar alarm systems, and rapid response service, contact us at info@securico. or call us at the following contact numbers: 0242- 621596-7, WhatsApp +263 78 649 1684.

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