Company Name
Your Name
Your Email
Your Phone Number
Your Address
Services Required
(CIT Local Run) from address to address (within the same town); (CIT Country Run) from town to townATM Replenishment; Cashiering service (for cash counting, collection etc)1 x 12hr Guarding Service (night or day 0600 – 0600 guard)1 x 24hr Guarding Service (both day and night guard)1 x 12hr Armed Guarding Service (night or day guard)1 x 24hr Armed Guarding ServiceShop hour guarding service (08:00AM – O5:OOPM);Guard dog services (1 x 12hr night or day 0600-0600)Cellphone panicReceptionist serviceClosed Security ServicesRapid response servicesBurglar Alarm;CCTVAccess ControlSolar Systems installations