SECURICO opened the doors of its Staff Wellness Clinic on the 1st of December in Harare, an idea that was mooted right from the time the company was founded. Founder and MD Dr Divine Simbi-Ndhlukula spoke on how the business has placed emphasis on health and wellness for its employee. “Right from the beginning, we have had focus on ensuring people work in a health environment hence we went for international standards being certified not only to 9001 QMS, but also to Occupation Health and Safety 18001 and Environment 140001 so that we can have a positive impact on many aspects of our work and the people.”

Being one of the first security companies to put together a robust medical aid scheme for all employees, SECURICO has worked with experts on health issues like Cancer Ass doing rigorous awareness.  Again, on HIV and Aids, they put together a comprehensive HIV/Aids policy with the support of Swedish Workplace on HIV/AIDS as well as Zimbabwe AIDS Prevention and Support Organization.

SECURICO Wellness Committee represented by their SHEQ Officer, Isheunesu Tsanzira elaborated how they have a Wellness Champion in each and every department.  Safety, health and environment issues are discussed everyday before work starts.

Officially opening the launch of the Staff Wellness Clinic, Dr Innocent Hove who represented the Permanent Secretary for Health and Child Care commended SECURICO leadership team for being one of those companies that have a strong workplace program through wellness. Dr Hove spoke about wellness being an active process through which people become aware of and make choices towards more successful existence. He again highlighted the huge benefits wellness programs bring as staff are less stressed and become more productive. 

Covid-19 and its impact was an unexpected shake-up not just in Zimbabwe but globally. SECURICO managed to get to the end of the pandemic with just one employee who passed on.  This is despite that they are a mass employer, and secondly their employees are front liners in retail chains, banks etc… This clearly demonstrates how their proactive responsiveness to the pandemic and decisions taken thereof being key in achieving such a commendable position during the pandemic.  

The Wellness Clinic will be manned by fully qualified medical staff – including doctors. Not only will it look after physical health, but also mental health as there is now a major challenge on mental health issues in this country and globally.


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